From IMDb: College student Sara finds that her new roommate Rebecca has an obsession with her, which quickly turns violent.
Before you read my movie reviews in general, let me first explain that by no means are my reviews ~reliable~. I'm a super girly chicken and that should say a lot already. Don't take my reviews too seriously!
SPOILER ALERT! If you still plan on watching the movie, I would not recommend clicking the link.
I've been wanting to watch this for a while because I love Leighton Meester and I tend to like watching cheesy "horror" flicks. I'm not sure if I like them because they can be a bit funny or if I actually get scared. Maybe a bit of both. Out of all the actors, I would say Leighton Meester did a good job as Rebecca. I was seriously rolling my eyes every time she did something psychotic. She's definitely a convincing psycho.
The movie had a lot of cheap sudden scares, like when Sara was looking through Rebecca's things to find her medication and suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder and we're all thinking O M G REBECCA?! (CUE DRAMATIC MUSIC AND SUDDEN NOISES) Except it was actually Stephen ... am I even surprised? There were parts where my girlfriends and I laughed because the lines were really cheesy and stupid.
To be honest, I was distracted by Cam Gigandet. All I was thinking was "Oh my god, he is HOT" He was all I really stared at and cared about throughout the whole movie. The thought of something happening to his character made me nervous. DON'T KILL THE HOT GUY, PLEASE!
I was also amused that there was a character with my name (Tracy). For some reason, I don't ever recall watching movies with the use of my name. (or maybe it's because I have a really bad memory). When Aly Michalka's character introduced herself, I was like "Wait... did she say her name was Tracy?" Let's just say my friend gave me a really weird look. I'm easily amused ok.
Girly Verdict: It was thrilling but forgettable. I'll give it a 5/10.
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