Photo by ppacificvancouver
I hope you all remember that this coming Sunday (May 8th) is Mother's Day! I decided to share what I'm doing for my mom on Mother's Day and provide some additional ideas in case some of you forgot!
On Mother's Day I'm teaming with a friend I grew up with and met because of our mothers. We've literally known each other since we were rolling around in our diapers. We've decided to take our mothers for a manicure and pedicure along with an all paid for dinner! In addition, I'll be making a home-made card. I've always done this ever since I was a kid (I'm 20 now!) but I think no matter how ugly or pretty your card is, your mom will really appreciate it because you made it with her in mind.
Some other ideas:
- Make some sort of meal. Breakfast in bed? Home made dinner? Whatever you decide, your mom will love it. Or pretend to.
- Take her out for lunch or dinner.
- This may be a dad's job but in case your mom doesn't have a special man in her life, get her roses or flowers!
- Slideshow video. I've done this for my mom and dad's birthday in the past and they always love it. Create a slideshow with pictures of you and your mom, especially your baby/kid photos. It makes anyone go "awwwwwwww" Put in some sappy music for waterworks! Kidding, but well, you know your mom better than I do.
- Coupon book. I'm sure many of you have heard about this one. A coupon book that includes coupons for ~free~ dish-washing, free massage, free manicure, etc. I have never considered this myself because I know the moment I give it to her, I will regret it. But hey, if you like helping your mom out, by all means!
- Makeup/beauty products. My mom is quite a ~trendy~ mom. She loves to try out skin care products, especially the anti-aging ones. Coughcough. I'd recommend buying your mom a skin care product or perfume.
If you feel crafty or is just a kid at heart like me, check out Canon's website for pre-made greeting cards you can put together.
What are you doing for Mother's Day?
And to end this post, here's a picture of my mom and I! My first time using makeup wasn't that glamorous...

- Next Music Mondays: "I'm already out of foolproof ideas, so don't ask me how to get started"
- Previous Music Mondays: "Today I don't feel like doing anything. I just wanna lay in my bed"

Hi, I'm Tracy - welcome to my blog! I like to talk about Asian dramas and Korean Pop. Feel free to leave a comment or connect with me via my social media links. Enjoy your stay
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