I recently took a trip to the drug store and saw Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri. I've seen it in ads and decided to try it out. Read more for my review!

Price: $7.49 CAD
Where to buy: Shoppers Drug Mart, Kmart, CVS, Target, more stores here
For Canada readers: Well.ca (cheaper than retail store price!)
I almost didn't pick this up because of the price. Quite pricey but if you live in Canada, check out well.ca. I haven't ordered from them before but it says free shipping anywhere in Canada and the price is much cheaper. Let me start by saying I love the insta-dri because I'm quite impatient and careless. Within a minute of applying normal nail polish, I start moving my hands around and ruining it. Then I'm like oh GREAT. I gotta get my nail polish remover and start all over again.
With insta-dri, it dries within one minute so it won't matter how much I move my hands. ALSO, you only need one coat! In the pictures below, I only have one coat on (notice how I suck at applying nail polish) and it looks so vibrant and pretty! I recommend everyone to try it. Whether you're a beginner or long time manicure fanatic, you will love this. It dries so fast and you only need one coat. I bought a couple more other colours, so I'll definitely show some more colours.
If you notice with normal nail polish, it has a kind of squarish brush so when you try to apply it in the little corners and hard to reach areas on your nail, it goes on your skin. However, with Insta-Dri, it comes with a roundish brush if you look up at the picture and when you go over those corners, it will just cover up your nail perfectly. I love, love the brush. Why wasn't this discovered earlier??
I got tons of compliments on the colour. Unfortunately the day after I applied this nail polish, I had work and it chipped. I'm pretty sure it's because I have to touch dirty buttons on dirty machines and tape up boxes. If you don't have to get down and dirty with your hands, your nails should be fine :)

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