From IMDb: Disheartened attorney Mike Flaherty (Giamatti), who moonlights as a high school wrestling coach, stumbles across a star athlete through some questionable business dealings while trying to support his family. Just as it looks like he will get a double payday, the boy's mother shows up fresh from rehab and flat broke, threatening to derail everything.
This movie comes out this Friday and I would HIGHLY recommend you go watch it. I had an opportunity to watch the advance screening and I'm so glad I watched it (instead of working on my presentation for school). The movie made the audience and I laugh so much. I was also sitting beside a man who had one of those hilarious laughs so it made my experience even better. It's an official selection for Sundance 2011 so I just had to watch.
SPOILER ALERT! (Well some spoilers. Not a lot is revealed but still.)
Basically this movie is about Mike (played by Paul Giamatti), a lawyer (and wrestling coach) who isn't earning enough money. An opportunity arises when his client needs a guardian which would earn him $1500 per month. Tempted, he takes the opportunity but instead of following his client, Leo's (Burt Young) wishes to stay home, Mike puts him in a senior home and says that's what the court said he had to do. Trouble trouble. In comes Kyle (played by newcomer Alex Shaffer) who is Leo's grandson and had just run away from his druggie~ mother. Mike and his wife decide to let Kyle stay at their home for a couple of days while he tries to get in contact with his mother. Mike's wrestling team sucks but he discovers that Kyle used to be a wrestler and he proves to be a really good one when he asks to practice.
First of all, I was really impressed with Alex's performance. I was like "who is this kid?! I must look up his IMDb and watch his other films" so I come home, look him up and to my surprise he was not an actor before! He's actually in his wrestling team at his high school and got a recommendation from his friend to audition for this film. He reminds me of a Michael Cera-ish type of actor/character. I really hope to see him in more movies soon! I had to search high and low for his age (not much on him out there right now) but DAMN he's 17. When you turn 18, HOLLER AT ME BOY. He's cute, that's all I have to say.
As usual, Paul gives an amazing performance but I particularly like Burt's character, Leo. Sometimes he'd be on the screen and he wouldn't even say anything and I'd want to burst out laughing. Such a cute and quiet character. Overall, I'd recommend you watch this movie. I love, love, LOVEEEED it.
Girly verdit: 10/10 because that's how much I loved it. I won't even try to explain why.
Since this is my first advance screening, I decided to post a picture of my ticket for memories! I'm such a kid, I know.

Hi, I'm Tracy - welcome to my blog! I like to talk about Asian dramas and Korean Pop. Feel free to leave a comment or connect with me via my social media links. Enjoy your stay
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