From IMDb: Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna's sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.
Having just started my career, my life has just been all about working so when a few friends asked if I wanted to watch Frozen... HELL YEAH. I was super in love with Tangled once upon a time so incredibly excited. I had heard about this movie tons of times but never had time to look it up. That actually was the good thing - I had no expectations going in really... and ended up enjoying it a lot!!
Now, the FUNNY thing is I live in Ontario, Canada where we just had an ice storm this past weekend so watching this movie was so fitting. We just joked that Elsa must have visited Canada this weekend... behold:

Photo credit to Gambitts on Flickr
Back to the movie, I thought it was a fantastic movie. I am a 23 year old professional but when it comes down to Disney movies or really Disney-anything, I'm all like

This movie kept me paying attention all the way through. There were no "boring" parts which made me doze off or make me want to check my phone. My faaaaavourite character was Olaf. Oh my god - in addition to his adorable buck teeth, his "In Summer" song KILLEDDDDD me. Here you have this snowman who dreams of his snow against the hot sand, not knowing that he would melt right off. Bravo, John Gad. Check the funny video out below!

Olaf the adorable snowman expressing his love for the... summer?

A happy ending with Elsa, Anna and Olaf!
Elsa and Anna reminded me of my brother and I... or really any siblings in general. The part where Anna had no idea why Elsa shut her out all the time. I do the same to my brother and while there are some siblings who get along really well - most of us don't. It's just part of having a sibling. The great thing about this movie and basically any big Disney production in general was that it was relatable. I loved, loved, loved this movie and can't wait to add the soundtrack to my playlist to listen.
Lastly, Merry Christmas everyone!!! Have a fun and safe time with your family and friends. And as Ellen Degeneres famously says.. be kind to one another :)
Hi, I'm Tracy - welcome to my blog! I like to talk about Asian dramas and Korean Pop. Feel free to leave a comment or connect with me via my social media links. Enjoy your stay
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