Would love for y'all to watch with me as I go along.
Episode 2, here we come!
To be honest, I'm surprised they would want to walk on the streets. I'd be like hey guys, a walk would be nice but I'd prefer not to be followed around kthx lololol

It's so weird to see Chanyeol so talkative in this show to Roommate where he is described the gentle idol, so well-mannered and quiet-ish hehe
And honestly, this episode made me love D.O. He's rolling down the windows and enjoying like a child :3
It's so nice seeing the boys enjoying time off the stage with each other. So cute biking together. No screaming fans either!
LOL oh my god, back to the food group, they are all piggggssss ahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha. I'd be freaking out if I were the waitress tbh
Anyway as I was saying D.O. warmed my heart with this episode. He's like talking to himself, shivering alone, getting lost... l m a o

And aw mama Suho being so protective awwwwwwww. But D.O. is not paying attention to him lololololol

LOL D.O. and the ticket buying machine.... DEAD!!!! Then he goes to play a game that .... is out of order LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO takes him like 10 minutes to realize, that's what's killing me. Cue sad music when he finally realizes #deaddeaddead
Xiumin: Do you think you dance better or Suho?
Chen: Me...
LMFAOOOOOO oh Chenchenn
Awwww Luhan is so cute with the Korean and whispering to his hubby, Xiumin ;)
LOL Suho & Kai... no love for Suho from the doggies.
The food group... DID THEY NOT JUST EAT???!?! How are they eating again? Oh my god
The end! Until next time, Exotics♥

Hi, I'm Tracy - welcome to my blog! I like to talk about Asian dramas and Korean Pop. Feel free to leave a comment or connect with me via my social media links. Enjoy your stay
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